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Event Coverage : V2Lab Mystery Meat 3

October 21st, 2014

V2Lab held the 3rd installment of their Mystery Meat this weekend in Downtown Orlando. Always a popular event, this year proved to exceed anyone’s wildest expectations with an estimated 75,000-100,000 people and thousands of cars flooding the streets of downtown Orlando. While the event didn’t officially start until 10AM, the vendor lots and surrounding parking lots were swarming with attendees as early as 5:30AM with participating cars ranging from exotics, to tuners, to even the retired NBA superstar Shaquille O’neal rolled through on his custom trike. Unfortunately crowd control did become a factor and a few select individuals helped ruin the event for everyone when the police felt they had limited resources to control such a big event and promptly began shutting down the show early. We’d like to thank Ravi and the gang at V2Lab for hosting us, it was a great event that’s success allowed it to outgrow the city hosting it, we’re anxious to see what’s in store for next year and look forward to attending the next Mystery Meat.

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