
Archive for March 6th, 2009

Project 996tt gets some Liposuction

March 6th, 2009 1 comment

After our last trip to the drag strip it was requested we add a rollbar due to our low 11 second time slip. Fortunately we already had a GMG rollbar waiting or the car, just needed to find time to install it. Our Status racing seats are due to arrive Monday as well so we felt what better time than now than to prep the interior for the rollbar an seat install early next week.   First off we weighed the factory seats, I was amazed to find they way almost 63lbs EACH. Our carbon fiber Status racing seats are likely to shave a considerable amount of weight off (probably 55-65lbs for the pair). That’s all find and dandy but we figured it would be best to get as much weight as possible out of the interior while we had the seats out. We stripped all the carpet out so that we could skim the sound deadening foam off before reinstalling the carpet.

This should give you an idea of the process and end result. It’s tedious but well worth it in an effort to make the car quicker.

Heres a better idea of the end result, a hefty bag full of heavy foam, about 35-40lbs worth and we still have a bit more foam to skim off (my hands need some time to rest and heal).

We’ll continue the process early next week, and install our matte Black GMG Rollbar, Status Seats, and Status racing harnesses. While were installing the interior we’ll have the transmission out of the car getting a Guard 40/60 LSD which should help our short times at the track. These improvements should put us well into the 10s in a streetable 996tt, I’m anxious to get her back out to the track!