
Archive for December 23rd, 2008

Happy Holidays from Titan Motorsports

December 23rd, 2008 Comments off

Saturday marked the date for our annual Titan holiday party. This year we welcomed our close knit family and friends to Buca di Beppo in Maitland for some fine Italian dining, followed by a few sessions of carnage at our local go-kart track Lil500. It was a great time to stop and reflect on the great year we have had, and how much we have to be thankful for.

On of the highlights of the evening was when Sally, one of our book-keepers challenged everyone to write a parody of the night before Christmas to present at the party. Chris rose to the challenge with a great story, however Sally took the cake with some clever inside humor. I’ve posted it below for all to review, I also wanted to take a moment to wish everyone Happy Holidays from myself and the gang here at Titan Motorsports.

“The Night Before Moving”

T’was the night before moving, when all through the town
Everyone was wondering, is this really going down
Car Parts all packed up, lined up nice & neat,
just finding it hard to keep Kris in his seat
The salesmen were nestled all snug in their seats,
with visions of sales that would soon be complete
Jen, Sally & Josie worked in a hurry
just knowing the move would end all their worries
We waited and waited, for this day to come
Now it was upon us, we all want to run
With boxing and packing the part with such care
Know that were moving just gives us a scare
When outside the door there arose such a clatter,
we sprang from our seats to see what was the matter
Away to the door, through open it fast, to see that it was Nero just being an ass.
The sun in the sky was so bright to our eyes
we looked and we saw it was such a surprise
We open the door of A1 and A2 to find that Nero didn’t know what to do
Up on the forklift so orange in color,
everyone knows that he is “your brother”
Should not have been driving the forklift at all
we all got the chuckle when he hit the wall
Then Bottle appeared with duck tape in fist
Yelling and screaming this is NOT on the list.
Bottle and sales staff saying what have we here
A hole in the wall that this tape will adhere
Go David, go Kerwin , go John20to the 3rd, on Geoff, on Sean who is a nerd.
For moving Titan Motorsports
Will be quite a task, For all of the time
We hope this is the last
Admin will have their office private and cozy
Just out of ear shot so you don’t have to hear Josie
I’m sure I’ve left some people out, just ran out of time
The truth of the matter is I have nothing to rhyme.
So as this day ends along with this poem
I want to say Thank You as we leave for our homes.
So let’s all be happy, healthy, wealthy and wise,
let’s get through next year are sale they should rise

Holiday Hours : We will be open the 24th, closed the 25th, and be back in full swing on the 26th.