
Posts Tagged ‘novitec rossi’

Twins – Twin Supercharged Novitec Ferrari F430

March 31st, 2011 Comments off

Most people turn their head when they see a single Ferrari F430 on the road, this week at our shop many thought they were seeing doubles. We had the pleasure of having these 2 Ferrari F430 Spiders in the shop the past few weeks. The cars owner originally purchased a 6speed car and equipped it with Novitec Rosso’s brilliant supercharger kit. After having a change of heart he decided he wanted a car with Ferrari’s F1 trans, so rather than trying to deal with the headache of a transmission swap, he decided a car swap would be much better suited, and bought a newer model 430 with the trans he wanted. Once the car arrived it was torn into and received Novitec’s supercharger kit, giving this stallion a bit more gallop. Our heart still remains with the Supra, but I must admit adding forced induction to exotics and creating super cars is also getting a bit addicting. We’re a Novitec dealer and the Southeast install center for all your Ferrari Maserati needs.