
Archive for June 29th, 2010

Evolution Motorsports Summer Tour stops at Titan Motorsports in Orlando,FL

June 29th, 2010 Comments off

Evolution Motorsports chose Titan Motorsports as the official Orlando stop for their East Coast Summer Tour. After spending a few days in South Florida, the EvoMS crew trucked up the turnpike in their toterhome carrying the EVT650 Porsche 997.2 PDK, EVOT1200 Porsche 997.1, and Gumpert Apollo super car. Todd Zuccone and Matt Carrick kicked off the visit with a seminar for our employees on the history of Evo and their commitment to building only the highest quality Porsche products on the market. We were then treated to a first hand look at some of the great vehicles put together at Evolutions Arizona facility and the precision engineering in their complete tuning packages. I personally enjoyed the EVT650 car, I’ve never been a big fan of automatic sports cars, however the PDK system combined with the additional horsepower provided by Evo upgrade package made for a very fast, responsive car that drove better than stock.

Titan Motorsports is proud to join the Evolution Motorsports Dealer network, and soon will be a fully equipped EvoMSit dealer, capable of flashing most ECU’s in house from Porsche to Ferrari to Mini and everything in between. We will be offering their complete line of tuning packages and can install any of their power packages available for Porsche vehicles, both in the United States, and abroad. For more information on having your vehicle equipped with Evolution Motorsports parts or tuned with EvoMSit, please contact one of our specialists at 407-277-8423.